MWIMPP is a charitable organization helping to reduce food and water insecurity for children.

Our Team

Athieno Uganda

With a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to serve, Athieno is on the ground delivering food and water to families in need. Having herself grown up in an impoverished environment she works to provide assistance and a better life for herself and others. MWIMPP is the launching pad for Dalia, a businesswoman and model in her own right. Athieno Tours is her newest venture. The queens of MWIMPP can be your personal tour guide on your visit to their country. Reach out to her for more information on booking.

Israel United States

Israel is a wordsmith. This hidden gem has completed her first novel. She brings a fresh young eye, digital media and in-depth literary composition skills to the team. She graduated high-school a year early and has big dreams. She has the voice of an angel, and spent several years gracing the stage in theatrical productions. And she is not done yet. She's a self-starter, and MWIMPP is eager to showcase her greatness.

Ja'La Ghana

A true social activist at heart, Ja'La stands for all that MWIMPP embodies. She's always known herself to be a queen. Her passion for the arts developed in the United States and has only widened as she now resides in Ghana. As she searches for her calling and purpose, MWIMPP is grateful to embark with her on the journey to find it.

Njoki Kenya

Njoki is the epitome of perseverance. She loves working hard to achieve what she wants in life. She brings a brilliant mind and feminine charisma to the team. She has that infectious energy that just draws people to her. This Kenyan beauty is an aspiring model. With MWIMPP supporting her and her insatiable work ethic, she'll get there.

Waithera loves business. Business and management excite her to no end. These are the areas where she thrives. She currently is employed in the dental field. Just one more area where she excels above the rest. With a beauty that matches her brains, success is sure to find her. MWIMPP has found her.

Waithera Kenya
Owomugisha Uganda

Owomugisha has always had an eye for fashion. She loves to take the thoughts and views of her client, and combine it with her own to make masterpieces. MWIMPP welcomes this fashionista into our family with open arms.

This beautiful being with a powerful voice loves modeling and entertaining. Whether it be by song and dance, or her acting skills... Kusasira feels at home when she's center stage. MWIMPP is proud to be her stage.

Kusasira Uganda
Mudduwa Uganda

Mudduwa loves water and the skies. Her beautiful talents will help her to see plenty. Acting, modeling, and singing are just a few of those talents to mention. Cruises and flights galore are in store for this beauty. MWIMPP will make sure of it.

Mwende is currently studying to become a certified accountant, but also dreams of starting a thriving online beauty business in Kenya, focusing on nails, makeup, and women's clothing. Eventually, she hopes to expand into real estate. Her goal is to achieve financial independence to support her family. MWIMPP is here to make her vision a reality.

Mwende Kenya
Cherotich Kenya

The Kenyan beauty, Cherotich, has always loved being in the spotlight. In front of the camera is where she excels in both modeling and acting. Her desire is to use her talents to help her people. MWIMPP welcomes and embraces her talents.

Muthoni is a skilled mathematician. Her degree allows her to teach all levels of math up through high school. As much as she loves numbers, she loves modeling and acting more. Every love comes after being a mother to Zoey. MWIMPP welcomes her family into ours.

Muthoni Kenya
Ndinda Kenya

Ndinda loves helping others. She also has a love for all things cosmetics and beauty. She wishes to begin a business that will include all three of her loves. MWIMPP is here, happy and willing to help her achieve her business goals and so much more.

Ngaruye Rwanda

She wants to be Miss Rwanda. Beauty is her dream. The French-speaking beauty, Ngaruye, loves modeling...of course. Fashion and design are a couple of other interests. And of course there's MWIMPP. We are proud to be represented by, and to represent, a future Miss Rwanda.

Mutonyi Uganda

Mutonyi loves and lives beauty. This model makes beautiful cakes for her customers. And she loves applying their beautiful make-up too. Mutonyi is a hands-on person with beautiful dreams, and she finds joy in music and dancing. We are thrilled to have her as part of our team at MWIMPP.

Tsaknakis Rwanda

The lovely Congolese Greek, Tsaknakis, has a fondness for carpentry. It's more like a love affair. Manufacturing, crafting, creating... for as long as she can remember, she's wanted to own a furniture company. She brings her beauty and business mind to MWIMPP with hopes of realizing her dreams. We welcome the opportunity to assist in making those dreams a reality.

Feza Democratic Republic of the Congo

This beauty from the Congo is all about communications and business. She looks forward to being a social media influencer and an international media star. She wants to shine a light on the goodness of the community. It is more than safe to say that Feza will fit right in with MWIMPP perfectly.

Nshuti Rwanda

This Rwandese jewel is ready to shine. She's a philanthropist at heart. Her dream is to open a public school for those of Rwanda who can't afford education. She wants to be a role model to women. MWIMPP enthusiastically extends a warm welcome as she joins our team.

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

Helen Keller

Muringi Kenya

The beautiful Muringi is a teacher by profession. She is a businesswoman at heart. Her dream is to open a spa, where women can pamper themselves and buy clothes. She's an expert with hair, most especially braiding. Her determination is fueled by the love for her son, Divine. MWIMPP is ecstatic to welcome she and her inspiration aboard.

Ochieng Kenya

Art is Ochieng. Ochieng is art. This Kenyan beauty loves everything to do with artistry. Already a make-up artist, she wishes to find herself in cinematic make-up...most especially in the realm of special effects. When she isn't doing make-up, her next choice of art is artistic modeling. She aspires for world-renowned success in both areas. MWIMPP looks forward to helping this enthusiastic beauty, as she builds on top of the success that she already is.

Seleman Tanzania

Tanzanian beauty...Seleman. There's not much that makes her happier than cooking. Born with a tongue made for combining spices and testing herbs, Seleman can't wait to be a chef. A Master Chef with her own TV show is one of the many visions MWIMPP will help her to fulfill.

Kuguminkiriza Uganda

The Ugandan beauty, Kuguminkiriza, has always wanted to be a surgeon. From a very early age she has always known that she wanted to help fix people. When she isn't partaking in her studies towards her long-term goal, she's building a fashion brand. The fashionable surgeon is who she will be. MWIMPP is so excited for her.

Wangui Kenya

It's the beauty of art that excites the gorgeous Wangui. She finds and sees the beauty in everything. Each day she admires the beauty of her first true inspiration...Alto, her lovely daughter. Whatever beauty Wangui sees in life, she gives it some of her own life through magnificent drawings. After her daughter, art is truly her passion. Alto and art were her everything. Now she looks forward to creating a different kind of art with MWIMPP. We look forward to being the canvas of her next masterpiece.

Nalwanga Uganda

Beauty and body...this Ugandan Queen is the epitome of everything MWIMPP. With the intelligence to become a future anesthetist, and the gorgeousness to be a social influencer at the top of her game...Nalwanga brings her talents to MWIMPP. And with enthusiasm, we receive.

Fatima Tanzania

Bitcoin... Blockchain... Cryptocurrency. Finance is all that the gorgeous Fatima thinks of constantly. Her mind, itself, is a virtual accountant. She studies when to buy, sell, or trade. Investing... stocks and bonds, this business is her heart. She wants to be a top notch investor. Of course, there's no better place to learn than MWIMPP. We look forward to helping her make all of her beautiful dreams...a beautiful reality.

Nabwami Uganda

The lovely Nabwami is dedicated to serving others through her studies. She's starting with at-risk infants, eager to support the delicate beginnings of life as a future neonatal intensive care nurse. Her aspirations don't stop there; she plans to advance her career as an anesthetist. Currently, this is her envisioned path. In the interim, she aims to leverage her social media platform to inspire positive change in the world. As a member of MWIMPP, we couldn't have asked for a more committed ally. Together, we'll shape a better world.

Omowunmi Nigeria

Omowunmi, a native of Nigeria, is deeply rooted in the world of business. Possessing a robust entrepreneurial drive, she has always found solace and passion in this realm. Her ambition is to ascend to the pinnacle of business prowess. In her journey, she has been fortunate to find a patron in MWIMPP, whose eagerness to support her is unwavering. Together, they embark on the path towards her inevitable greatness.

Wahidah Zambia

Wahidah has always admired powerful women, especially those with an entrepreneurial spirit. Oprah and Zari are her two biggest role models, embodying the greatness she aspires to. Wahidah is also passionate about henna tattoos and piercings, skills she has mastered. One day, she plans to offer both services at her own shop, Wahidah's@. By joining MWIMPP, she aims to build her brand, and we are excited to help make it one that's in high demand.

Umulisa Rwanda

The Rwandese beauty, Umulisa, has one unwavering desire: to help others. Whether it’s supporting the impoverished or bringing joy to autistic children, her heart finds true fulfillment in giving. She dedicates herself to working with and teaching autistic children weekly, striving to make them feel more comfortable and valued in the world. Her compassion knows no bounds, and MWIMPP gratefully embraces and reciprocates her love and dedication.

Wanjiku Kenya

Wanjiku, a vibrant and determined individual from Kenya, is on a mission to make a significant impact in her community. With a strong entrepreneurial spirit, she is eager to open her own business, envisioning it as a platform to help others achieve their goals. She is deeply committed to assisting those in need, driven by a profound sense of compassion and social responsibility. Her ultimate dream is to provide a better life for her child, ensuring they have every opportunity to succeed. MWIMPP is excited to have her on the team!

Khisa Kenya

Khisa, a talented individual from Kenya, wears many hats. As a medicationist, she blends her scientific expertise with a passion for healing. With a degree in mathematics and business, Khisa also aims to become a renowned fashion designer and model, showcasing her designs on global platforms. She aspires to act in roles that promote social change and education. Khisa's ultimate goal is to establish a fashion brand that supports education and helps the underprivileged, using her creativity and intellect to make a lasting impact. MWIMPP is happy to help her with her goal!

Nuna Kenya

The serene calming beauty of the clouds is what brings the lovely Nuna peace. This Kenyan model serves as a stewardess, but she has dreams of becoming a pilot. She'll begin taking classes soon, and MWIMPP will be there enjoying the beauty of the skies with her.

Namutebi Uganda

Namutebi, a compassionate and dedicated humanitarian from Uganda, is renowned for her unwavering commitment to helping those in need. Her altruistic nature and generous spirit have touched countless lives, making her an invaluable asset to any cause she embraces. MWIMPP is thrilled to welcome Namutebi to the team, where her kindness and dedication will undoubtedly inspire and uplift the world.

Kabura Kenya

The Kenyan beauty Kabura takes modeling and acting classes, while she plans her next business venture. She has thoughts of opening a boutique with different clothing and hair lines. Though, it's probably more likely that television will find her first. MWIMPP will be taking all calls from Hollywood.

Euphraim hails from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He's a graduate with a bachelor's degree in Transportation and Logistics management. He leads the helm building shelters in Congo. He is vital to the improvement of the conditions of Congo, as food and products will be delivered through him. His dream is to help his country develop different transportation sectors, in order to facilitate the movement of passengers and goods in security. MWIMPP is honored to have this humble being on the team.

Euphraim DRC: Transportation and Logistics
Our Founder United States

With a degree from Clemson University in Communications, Faith spent a decade working with marketing campaigns for global corporations. She saw some of them squandering resources just for a tax write-off. She felt that there were areas where these vast resources could be put to better use...and she wanted to be a catalyst for that change.

Our Partners 

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We would love to partner with you.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”

– Muhammad Ali

This quote by Muhammad Ali emphasizes the importance of serving others and giving back to the community. It suggests that we all have a responsibility to help those in need and make a positive impact on the world. Service can come in many forms, from volunteering at a local charity to simply being kind and helpful to those around us. By serving others, we not only benefit those we are helping, but we also gain a sense of fulfillment and purpose in our own lives. This quote serves as a reminder that we are all connected and have a role to play in making the world a better place.